Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sleeping Muse and the Kiss @ 8:27 AM
Sleeping Muse, 1908, Bronze
The Kiss, 1908
These are 2 of my earliest works, Sleeping Muse and The Kiss. Both were 1908, just a little bit after The Prayer.
Many have said that Sleeping Muse is the last time Rodin's influenced appeared in my work. On hindsight I suppose that it was probably true, in a way. For one, I was still using bronze, like in many of Rodin's sculptures. The lady's face (generically speaking) I was sculpting also still had relatively sharply defined features. I wanted to sculpt the image of a lady's face in her sweetest reverie. Simple, yet beautiful.
The Kiss, on the other hand, is possibly my very first wholly original work. I am glad to know that it has been regarded as possible the quintessential representation of love in twentieh-century art. This sculpture embodies the idea of simple is beautiful, just like how true love is simple, and beautiful. Two lovers embracing in a kiss; the cuboid-like shape representing the fusing of two souls, is the idea represented here. The still-rough stone and simplified forms represents steadfast, uncomplicated, unwavering, everlasting love.
I made several more versions of both sculptures over the next few years. They became more and more simplified, as I developed my own style. Some of these even bear resemblance to my later works such as The Newborn and Prometheus.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sleeping Muse and the Kiss @ 8:27 AM
Sleeping Muse, 1908, Bronze
The Kiss, 1908
These are 2 of my earliest works, Sleeping Muse and The Kiss. Both were 1908, just a little bit after The Prayer.
Many have said that Sleeping Muse is the last time Rodin's influenced appeared in my work. On hindsight I suppose that it was probably true, in a way. For one, I was still using bronze, like in many of Rodin's sculptures. The lady's face (generically speaking) I was sculpting also still had relatively sharply defined features. I wanted to sculpt the image of a lady's face in her sweetest reverie. Simple, yet beautiful.
The Kiss, on the other hand, is possibly my very first wholly original work. I am glad to know that it has been regarded as possible the quintessential representation of love in twentieh-century art. This sculpture embodies the idea of simple is beautiful, just like how true love is simple, and beautiful. Two lovers embracing in a kiss; the cuboid-like shape representing the fusing of two souls, is the idea represented here. The still-rough stone and simplified forms represents steadfast, uncomplicated, unwavering, everlasting love.
I made several more versions of both sculptures over the next few years. They became more and more simplified, as I developed my own style. Some of these even bear resemblance to my later works such as The Newborn and Prometheus.
ESSENCE: Constantin Brancusi
Beyond the human condition
Born February 19, 1876
Modernist artist
"Work like a slave; command like a king; create like a god."
"Don’t look for mysteries; I bring you pure joy."